Our Team

Combining a fresh perspective with deep Delta roots 

The Baird Team is a collection of experts that combines international experience (The Fresh View Team) with deep delta roots and local knowledge (The Delta Team). Members of the Fresh View team bring independent, new perspectives based on a wealth of international experience. Most members have not been involved in previous CPRA or Corps efforts on coastal protection and restoration in Louisiana. The Delta Team features top local experts in the key areas associated with this challenge. Most members have spent years, if not decades, researching and understanding the science of the Delta and its processes. 

The Baird Team is complemented by our Navigation Expert Advisory Panel with six top representatives of the Louisiana navigation community, including leaders of the two major ports and leaders of the pilots associations. 

We believe that a successful solution must be derived from true teamwork, transparency, realism and innovation. Team members bring their technical expertise to the process and also importantly represent related stakeholder groups.

Fresh View Team

Baird & Associates (Engineering, Modeling & Analysis, Geomorphology)

Applied Ecological Services (Environmental)

Research Planning, Inc. (Environmental, Geomorphology & Geology)

Sasaki Associates (Planning, Socio-Economics, and Visual Communication)

Tetra Tech (River Structures & Geotechnical)

Vickerman & Associates (Shipping & Navigation)

Delta Team

Karen O’Neill, Ph.D. (Rutgers; Planning, Communities, & Industries)

Don Hayes, Ph.D., P.E. (University of Nevada Las Vegas; Dredging & Beneficial Use)

Don Resio, Ph.D. (University of North Florida; Flood Risk)

Thomas Soniat, Ph.D. (University of New Orleans; Oysters)

Martin O’Connell, Ph.D. (University of New Orleans; Fish)

Tetra Tech (River Structures & Geotechnical)

Irv Mendelssohn, Ph.D. (Louisiana State University; Wetlands & Nutrients)



Alex McCorquodale, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng. (University of New Orleans; Flow of Nutrients & Sediments)

Colin Thorne, Ph.D. (University of Nottingham; Watershed & River)

Harry Roberts, Ph.D. (Louisiana State University; Geomorphology & Geology)

Mark Kulp, Ph.D. (University of New Orleans; Geomorphology & Geology)

NEAP (Navigation Expert Advisory Panel)

Learn more about our ideas and some common concerns we have heard in our FAQs section.